Children and Teens

Does your child have difficulty socially, behaviorally, or academically? Do you find that your child has difficulty focusing on classwork or homework? Do they struggle to finish tasks in a timely manner?

Maybe your child gets easily distracted or has a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Perhaps you ask yourself, “Why is it such a chore to get my child to do 15 minutes of homework, but they can sit for hours and hours and play video games or engage in their hobbies with no issues?

Do you find that the daily fight to do homework is interfering with quality family time? Do you feel like you are failing your child and wondering, “What did I do wrong?”

Perhaps your child works hard and persists academically, but unfortunately their grades do not reflect the effort they put forth. Does your child have a hard time with some subjects like reading, writing, or mathematics, but shines in others? Does your child feel nervous about school?

Maybe your child struggles with making friends? Does your child seem concerned with measuring up to their friends? Are you nervous about your child making the wrong choices into the wrong crowd? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your child had difficulty managing their emotions in social and peer interactions.

Imagine feeling hope, comfort, and clarity to finally understand what’s been getting in the way of your child from reaching important goals. As an expert in conducting evaluations, I provide an accurate diagnosis which guides me to create a strategic plan for social, personal, and academic success.


Contact me Today

2419 East Commercial Blvd. Suite 203
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

7451 Wiles Rd Suite 206,
Coral Springs, FL 33067

1776 N Pine Island Rd #318
Plantation, FL 33322
(954) 256-0800

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